Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Reception hosted by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Flag Hoisting Ceremony at Embassy of India on the occasion of 76th Republic Day of India.
Celebration of ITEC Day in Embassy of India, Nouakchott
Celebration of ITEC Day in Embassy of India, Nouakchott
Celebration of ITEC Day in Embassy of India, Nouakchott
Celebration of ITEC Day in Embassy of India, Nouakchott
Pariksha Pe Charcha
Glimpses of Diwali Get-to-Gather hosted by Ambassador of India to Mauritania.
Glimpses of Diwali Get-to-Gather hosted by Ambassador of India to Mauritania.
Glimpses of Diwali Get-to-Gather hosted by Ambassador of India to Mauritania.
Glimpses of Diwali Get-to-Gather hosted by Ambassador of India to Mauritania.
Hon'ble President being welcomed by President of Mauritania at the airport.
Hon'ble President inspecting Guard of Honour.
Hon'ble President with President of Mauritania inspecting Guard of Honour.
Hon'ble President with President of Mauritania inspecting Guard of Honour.
Foreign Minister of Mauritania's call on the Hon'ble President.
Hon'ble President addressing the Indian community in Mauritania.
Hon'ble President addressing the Indian community.
Hon'ble President interacting with children.
Hon'ble President's remarks at the Indian Community Reception.
Hon'ble Meeting with President of Mauritania.
Talks with President of Mauritania.
Delegation level talks between India and Mauritania.
Signing of MOUs between India and Mauritania.
Exchange of MOUs between India and Mauritania.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Mokhtar Ould Diay, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic Of Mauritania on 20 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Mokhtar Ould Diay, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic Of Mauritania on 20 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Mokhtar Ould Diay, the newly appointed Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic Of Mauritania on 20 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ms. Messaouda Mint Baham Ould Mohamed Laghdhaf, Hon'ble Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 13 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Thiam Tidjani , Hon'ble Minister of Mines and Industry of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 5 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Houssein Ould Medou, Hon'ble Minister of Culture, Arts, Communication and Relations with Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 3 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Ms. Zeinebou Mint Ahmednah, Hon'ble Minister of Commerce and Tourism of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 3 September, 2024.
Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Hanana Ould Sidi, Hon'ble Minister of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Martyrs’ Children of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 27th August 2024.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 78th Independence Day of India in Mauritania.
Team Embassy of India in Mauritania, led by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on 10 August 2024 launched #HarGharTiranga Campaign of Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi and urged Indian diaspora in Mauritania to hoist the Tiranga Flag proudly at their homes from 9 to 15 August.
Team Embassy of India in Mauritania, led by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on 10 August 2024 launched #HarGharTiranga Campaign of Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi and urged Indian diaspora in Mauritania to hoist the Tiranga Flag proudly at their homes from 9 to 15 August.
Team Embassy of India in Mauritania, led by Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar on 10 August 2024 launched #HarGharTiranga Campaign of Hon'ble PM Shri Narendra Modi and urged Indian diaspora in Mauritania to hoist the Tiranga Flag proudly at their homes from 9 to 15 August.
India in Mauritania under the aegis of Ambassador Shri Naresh Kumar, in association with Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development, Islamic Republic of Mauritania participated in a tree plantation drive. Advisor to the Hon'ble Minister, Nabila Dahmoud MERZOUG also joined.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
Glimpses of Celebration of 10th International Day of Yoga in Mauritania.
On the occasion of #WorldEnvironmentDay2024 and inspired by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi's initiative #plant4mother or #एक_पेड़_माँ_के_नाम campaign, India in Mauritania - Embassy of India, Nouakchott officials led by Ambassador Naresh Kumar participated in a tree plantation drive in the Chancery.
On the occasion of #WorldEnvironmentDay2024 and inspired by Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi's initiative #plant4mother or #एक_पेड़_माँ_के_नाम campaign, India in Mauritania - Embassy of India, Nouakchott officials led by Ambassador Naresh Kumar participated in a tree plantation drive in the Chancery.
Ambassador Naresh Kumar paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould Bilal, the Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic Of Mauritania on 7 June, 2024.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Shri Naresh Kumar, the First Resident Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania presented his credential papers to H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania at the Presidential Palace in Nouakchott.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Shri Naresh Kumar, the First Resident Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania presented his credential papers to H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania at the Presidential Palace in Nouakchott.
On Tuesday, May 21, 2024, Shri Naresh Kumar, the First Resident Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania presented his credential papers to H.E. Mr. Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania at the Presidential Palace in Nouakchott.
Ambassador of India to Mauritania, Mr. Naresh Kumar called on H.E. Mr. Mohamed Salem Merzoug, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 20th May, 2024. Ambassador presented copy of his credential papers.
Ambassador of India to Mauritania, Mr. Naresh Kumar called on H.E. Mr. Mohamed Salem Merzoug, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 20th May, 2024. Ambassador presented copy of his credential papers.
Ambassador of India to Mauritania, Mr. Naresh Kumar called on H.E. Mr. Mohamed Salem Merzoug, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 20th May, 2024. Ambassador presented copy of his credential papers.
Ambassador of India to Mauritania, Mr. Naresh Kumar called on H.E. Mr. Mohamed Salem Merzoug, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Mauritanians Abroad of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 20th May, 2024. Ambassador presented copy of his credential papers.
Embassy of India, Nouakchott extends a warm welcome to H.E. Mr. Naresh Kumar, the First Resident Ambassador-designate of the Republic of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania who arrived in Nouakchott on 3rd May, 2024.
Embassy of India, Nouakchott extends a warm welcome to H.E. Mr. Naresh Kumar, the First Resident Ambassador-designate of the Republic of India to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania who arrived in Nouakchott on 3rd May, 2024.
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India
Incredible India